35 jóvenes en extraedad y adultos recibieron su título como bachilleres académicos.

En una emotiva ceremonia realizada el 22 de diciembre del año en curso, el Instituto de Educación de la Caja de Compensación Familiar Comfenalco Valle Delagente, graduó a 35 estudiantes del programa de educación Básica y Media por ciclos (CLEI) para jóvenes en extraedad y adultos. Entre los participantes que recibieron su título de bachiller […]

More education for Valle del Cauca residents in 2023: PEC Delagente


The PEC Delagente has highly qualified teachers and certificates in pedagogy, as well as more than 500 agreements for internships and paid work practices for students. During 2022, the PEC Delagente trained more than 22,000 students in all its educational lines. This makes the Educational Consortium of Comfenalco Valle Delagente, […]

Successfully completed 2022 for the Oportunidades Delagente Youth Leadership School


This project created from Comfenalco Valle Delagente and promoted and financed during 2022 by Grupo Energía Bogotá, sought to strengthen the capacities for political advocacy and leadership of more than 100 young people from Valle del Cauca. Free training managed to get more young people to take advantage of these educational spaces to strengthen their capacities and […]

New headquarters of the PEC Delagente in Cali

New headquarters of the PEC Delagente: for greater coverage and new educational options. The PEC Delagente is an educational consortium that unites two of the best job training institutions in the country: PEC and Comfenalco Valle Delagente. This growth implies not only the improvement of the facilities but also the increase of […]