
Affiliation of dependent workers

At Comfenalco Valle Delagente you can register your company and provide your workers with the best option in social welfare, through all the benefits and advantages that the Fund has with its services. health, education, recreation, culture, tourism, housing, employability and financial services. Find out below the types of existing employers and the requirements for the affiliation of their workers:

Ser delagente es mejorar tu experiencia con tu Caja de Compensación

Legal entity employer affiliation

  1. Employer affiliation form, duly completed.
  2. Membership application letter to Comfenalco Valle Delagente, signed by the legal representative, indicating the name of the employer or company, address, identification and place where the wages are incurred. Indicate the number of workers that you are going to enroll and the value of the payroll that the employees generate monthly, as well as the date from which you wish to join. In the same letter, state whether or not you have been affiliated with any Family Compensation Fund in the department of Valle del Cauca.
  3. Certificate of existence and valid legal representation (not exceeding 30 days) and a photocopy of the company's RUT.
  4. List of workers, indicating ID numbers, names and salaries.
  5. Paz y salvo de disaffiliation issued by the last Family Compensation Fund to which you have been affiliated in Valle del Cauca.
  6. Once you have the above requirements, you can sign up in two ways:

    * Virtual: through the virtual branch, entering our ges portalthion.

    * In person: going to the user service point, located at the main headquarters in Cali, at Calle 5 # 6 – 63, tower C, floor 1. Or approaching the administrative headquarters of the regional offices of the Comfenalco Valle delagente Compensation Fund. You must present, fully filled out, all the documents indicated in the previous steps.

Note: for cooperatives, the bylaws and the resolution issued by the Supersolidaria are required, with the proper authorization.

Natural person employer affiliation

These are the requirements that any person or entity that has at least one permanent worker under their charge must meet:

  1. Duly completed employer affiliation form.

  2. Natural person affiliation letter to Comfenalco Valle de lagente, signed by the legal representative, indicating the name of the employer or company, address, identification and place where the wages are incurred. Indicate the number of workers that you are going to enroll and the value of the payroll that the employees generate monthly, as well as the date from which you wish to join. In the same letter, state whether or not you have been affiliated with any Family Compensation Fund in the department of Valle del Cauca.

  3. Photocopy of the RUT.

  4. Photocopy of the citizenship card.

  5. List of workers, indicating ID numbers, names and salaries.

  6. Paz y salvo de disaffiliation issued by the last Family Compensation Fund to which you have been affiliated in Valle del Cauca.

  7. Once you have the above requirements, you can sign up in two ways:

    * Virtual: through the virtual branch, entering our ges portalthion.

    * In person: going to the user service point, located at the main headquarters in Cali,  at Calle 5 # 6 – 63, tower C, floor 1. Or approaching the administrative headquarters of the regional offices of the Comfenalco Valle delagente Compensation Fund. You must present, fully filled out, all the documents indicated in the previous steps.


Domestic worker employer affiliation

These are the requirements that every person with domestic service workers under their care must meet (Decree 0721 of 2013):

  1. Duly completed employer affiliation form.

  2. Domestic worker employer affiliation application letter to Comfenalco Valle de lagente, signed by the legal representative, indicating the name of the employer or company, address, identification and place where the wages are incurred. Indicate the number of workers that you are going to enroll and the value of the payroll that the employees generate monthly, as well as the date from which you wish to join. In the same letter, state whether or not you have been affiliated with any Family Compensation Fund in the department of Valle del Cauca.

  3. Photocopy of the RUT (if you have it).

  4. Photocopy of the employer's identity card.

  5. List of workers, indicating ID numbers, names and salaries.

  6. Paz y salvo de disaffiliation issued by the last Family Compensation Fund to which you have been affiliated in Valle del Cauca.

  7. Once you have the above requirements, you can sign up in two ways:

    * Virtual: through the virtual branch, entering our ges portalthion.

    * In person: going to the user service point, located at the main headquarters in Cali, at Calle 5 # 6 – 63, tower C, floor 1. Or approaching the administrative headquarters of the regional offices of the Comfenalco Valle delagente Compensation Fund. You must present, fully filled out, all the documents indicated in the previous steps.