Postúlate al Subsidio al desempleo Ley 1636 de 2013, (Reformada por la Ley 2225 de 2022-Reglamentada Decreto 1493 de 2022)

  1. Being unemployed or unemployed (you must not be pensioned for disability, old age or survival).
  2. If you contributed as a dependent worker in your last employment relationship, you must have made contributions to the Family Compensation Fund for one (1) continuous or discontinuous year, in the course of the last three (3) years. In the case of independent workers, you must have made contributions to the Family Compensation Fund for two (2) continuous or discontinuous years, in the course of the last three (3) years.
  3. That the last Compensation Fund to which you have contributed is Comfenalco Valle Delagente and that you have listed as an affiliate in categories: A, B or C.
  4. Not having been a beneficiary within the last 3 years of the subsidy payments of the Unemployment Protection Mechanism (Law 1626 and Decrees 488 and 770).
  5. Estar inscrito en cualquiera de los servicios de empleo autorizados pertenecientes a la red del servicio público de empleo, y realizar obligatoriamente la ruta de empleabilidad haciendo click aquí, or in person.
  6. Mandatorily attend and certify the training program provided by the Employment Agency.


Note: No podrán postularse los trabajadores cesantes que luego de terminar una relación laboral, mantengan otra vigente o hayan percibido beneficios del Fondo de Solidaridad de Fomento al Empleo y Protección al Cesante, durante seis (6) meses continuos o discontinuos en los últimos tres (3) años.

  • I pay contributions to the health and pension system based on the contribution of (1) SMMLV, for a period of six months (applies to category A, B and C users).
  • Pago de transferencia económica por valor de $1.950.000, establecido para la vigencia del año 2024, divididos en cuatros (4) mensualidades pagados de forma decreciente así:
    • Cuota 1 (40%): $780.000
    • Cuota 2 (30%): $585.000
    • Cuota 3 (20%): $390.000
    • Cuota 4 (10%): $195.000

It is important to specify that this transfer applies only to users who, in their last employment relationship, have been category A and B contributors.

Nota: Los usuarios Categoría C a pesar de salir beneficiarios no recibirán el presente beneficio ( (Art.3 Numeral b ley 2225 de 2022).

  • Copy of the legible identification document (on both sides).
  • Certification of termination of employment issued by the employer, indicating the fecha exacta de la terminación laboral, última remuneración del trabajador and motivo del retiro, must be duly signed, in case your letter does not detail these three (3) data, please fill out and attach to the application the affidavit that you can download here

    Opcionalmente Presentar:
  • Certificado de la EPS, donde se evidencie que su estado actual es Retirado, Subsidiado, Protección laboral o Beneficiario.

  • Certification of the Pension Fund to which you are affiliated, valid for no more than 30 days.

  • Those who obtain a direct source of income or carry out a paid activity.
  • Those who hold the status of popularly elected public servants.
  • Those who have been beneficiaries of the Unemployment Protection Mechanism subsidies within the last 3 years.
  • Those who are receiving an old age, disability or survivor pension.
  • Those who do not attend the training scheduled by the Employment Agency.
  • Debes enviarnos una carta donde indiques el motivo de la suspensión del seguro al desempleo, esta deberá ser remitida vía correo electrónico a for review and subsequent processing.
  • You can also go to the nearest Employment Agency and fill out the benefit suspension form.