What is the prescription of the monetary subsidy?

Este beneficio es pagado mensualmente a los trabajadores formales afiliados a las Cajas de Compensación Familiar y es un recurso recomendado.

The monetary subsidy is paid monthly to formal workers affiliated with the Family Compensation Funds and is a recommended resource to allocate to the education, food, transportation or housing needs of the worker's beneficiaries. This subsidy has a prescription date.

In Colombia, since 1957, the monthly payment of the family monetary subsidy has been a reality, benefiting those workers who earn from one to four current legal minimum wages. This economic resource favors the distribution of income within households and we invite you to consume it monthly, or periodically in a timely manner.

The Comfenalco Valle Delagente Compensation Fund disposes this money in a means of payment (Service Card, Copper APP, Easy Copper, Kupi) and three years from the date of the disposition, by legal instruction established in Art. 6 Law 21 of 1982, this resource prescribes, which means that the provision changes to other uses focused on the well-being of the affiliated population. The prescription effect is made for each monthly installment, not total, which means that each control and change is made to the installment as it completes 3 years from its disposition.

In order to prevent this from happening, the Comfenalco Valle Delagente Compensation Fund informs beneficiary users of the subsidy fee payments from the moment of affiliation and monthly, by text message, and through email addressed to your employer. Additionally, the prescription is reported in the responses to the affiliates' requests, in the subsidy payment supports that are sent to the companies, in the brochures that are delivered from the different means of payment, among others.

Likewise, prior to the prescription of this benefit, the beneficiary worker is notified, via text message and email. For those workers for whom it was not possible to establish contact through the aforementioned channels, a list is published with the identification numbers of the workers to whom the subsidy will be prescribed each month, through the website www.comfenalcovalle.com.co and on the billboard of the Contribution Registration area located in Tower C, Floor 1 of the headquarters in Cali.

We are Delagente that provides more benefits to its affiliates and families.

More information:

(602) 886 2727 – National Line 018000 938585


Comfenalco Valle Delagente

Family Compensation Fund.

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