Términos y condiciones – Sorteo de pases dobles para cine

¡Gánate un pase doble para ir a cine!

I. Activity Data

Addressed to: Active affiliates category A or B to the Comfenalco Valle Delagente Family Compensation Fund.

Place where the activity will take place: Instagram social network @lazosdelagente

Prize: Un pase doble para cine con combo, en total entregaremos 8 pases dobles.

Start and end date: El concurso inicia el 15 de abril y finaliza el 8 de mayo del 2023.

Winner Announcement: El día 10 de mayo de 2023 a través de las historias de nuestra cuenta de Instagram @lazosdelagente y @comfenalcovalle.

coverage: Cauca's Valley.

The following are the terms and conditions applicable to the Contest “PASES DOBLES PARA CINE”, hereinafter “the contest” organized by the Cauca Valley Family Compensation Fund -COMFENALCO VALLE DELAGENTE, hereinafter “the organizer”.

II. Mechanics of promotional activity

  • Requirements to participate in the SORTEO DE PASES DOBLES PARA CINE.
  • Ser afiliado activo a Comfenalco Valle delagente Categoría A o B.
  • Etiquetar en un comentario de este post a la persona con quién irías a la función. El afiliado que decida concursar podrá etiquetar cuantas veces quiera en los comentarios, pero solo podrá etiquetar a una persona por comentario.
  • Both must follow @lazosdelagente and @comfenalcovalle on Instagram.
  • Being a resident in Colombia, Valle del Cauca.
  • Las funciones de cine son únicamente para ver en Royal Films, solo aplica para funciones en 2D. Aplica para todo el departamento del Valle del Cauca.
  • Be of legal age: Have a citizenship card or equivalent identity document.
  • The other person tagged may or may not be a member of the Comfenalco Valle Delagente Family Compensation Fund.
  • El sorteo se realizará a través de la App sorteos, donde se colocará la URL de la publicación y automáticamente la App seleccionará los ocho (8) ganadores del pase doble con combo para cine, una vez se verifique que se cumpla con todos los requisitos y pasos del sorteo, se publicará los ganadores del sorteo en las historias de Instagram del organizador @Comfenalcovalle
  • The full name of the participant and their ID will be requested, authorizing the use of their personal data according to the reading of the raffle policies published on our website.

III. Benefits

Type of benefits:

Los ocho (8) ganadores que cuenten con todos los requisitos aprobados del sorteo podrán recibir su pase doble para la función de las salas de cine de Royal Films.

Entrega de los beneficios a los ganadores:

Se hará la entrega de los beneficios 15 días después de finalizar el concurso de manera digital a través del correo electrónico.

Faculties of the organizer.

  • Disqualify not only those who do not comply with the terms and conditions, but also those who make offensive comments or posts on the Instagram account of the "Comfenalco Valle" brand, which violates the rights of the organizer and those of third parties.
  • The organizer reserves for itself the possibility of deleting comments or publications that violate its rights to a good name, that of its brands and products, as well as the integrity and intellectual property rights of third parties.
  • The Organizer may disqualify any participant who transgresses the terms and conditions of the promotional activity, its procedures or who does not abide by the instructions of the promotional activity, reserving for itself the right to do so during or after it, if applicable. .
  • The Organizer may disqualify the participant whose Instagram account is false, and/or in the case of a prize hunter or a Bot.

IV. Presupuestos reglamentarios de la actividad promocional

  • Social networks will be used as a means to carry out the activity and have no interference in the development of the activity, so they will not be responsible for the decisions made by the organizer.
  • Participants previously and expressly authorize the publication of biometric data, authorizing COMFENALCO VALLE DELAGENTE the image right for the sole and exclusive purpose set forth in these terms and conditions.
  • The participant acknowledges and accepts that the use of the material will not generate any remuneration or economic benefit in his favor. In the same way, the winners expressly authorize the organizer to use the video and photography, product of the promotional activity to advertise the COMFENALCO VALLE DELAGENTE brand.
  • The participant will hold the organizer harmless against actions, procedures, claims, damages and other responsibilities that arise against him or any third party, as a result of the breach of the obligations assumed by accepting this document.
  • With the acceptance of these terms and conditions, the participant expressly accepts that their participation in the activity may in no case infringe intellectual property rights, mainly copyright, ownership or interest of the organizer or third parties.
  • The organizer and the other licensee or authorized companies may exercise the pertinent legal actions in case of violation of intellectual property rights, as a consequence of any damage attributable to the participants during the development of the promotional activity.
  • The organizer reserves the patrimonial rights that are generated in the development of the promotional activity and, therefore, the participants will not be able to claim any economic outlay related to this concept. Situation accepted by the participants.
  • The organizer is not responsible for the biosafety protocols used by the third party (Royal Films) nor for the COVID-19 infections that may occur during this activity, except for the importance of self-care on the part of the winners of the contest, maintaining distancing, the use of face masks, and constant hand washing.

V. Processing of Personal Data

The personal data of the participants will be treated in accordance with the information treatment policy that COMFENALCO VALLE DELAGENTE has adopted, which can be found on the website www.comfenalcovalle.com.co

It is a requirement to be able to participate in the contest that the participants accept the terms and conditions as well as the personal data processing policy.

Con la participacion en el concurso se da fe por parte de los concursantes que han entendido y aceptado estos términos y condiciones.

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