

Todo empleador debe realizar los aportes de prestación social de origen laboral del 4% a una Caja de Compensación Familiar, cuando tiene uno o más trabajadores a cargo.

Employers and independents are obliged to make the payment of parafiscal contributions to the Family Compensation Fund, solely and exclusively through the Integrated Contribution Settlement Form, PILA, through the electronic or assisted payment modality. Decree 1931 of June 2006.

The non-payment of two (2) consecutive months constitutes a recurrent default in the payment of contributions and is grounds for expulsion.

Decree 1990/2016 on the payment of contributions

Statement on Ministry of Health regulations applicable to PAYMENT OF CONTRIBUTION MARCH 2017

payroll format

Reglamento de suspensión o desafiliación a la Caja de Compensación Familiar

What is the Veterans Law and what are its requirements?

ABC about changes in the payment of
social security for independent workers

What are the documents for return
or transfer of contributions for prosecutors?