Mailbox for judicial notices

Mailbox for judicial notices

The Family Compensation Fund of Valle del Cauca Comfenalco Valle Delagente, is allowed to inform that, for the purposes of judicial notifications, the following emails have been enabled:

Click to contact him

Mailbox for the Comfenalco Valle Delagente Family Compensation Fund:

Click to contact him

Mailbox for Health Promotion Entity EPS Comfenalco Valle Delagente:

These emails are the only means authorized for judicial purposes, which is why messages that do not correspond to matters of this order will not be processed by this means.

Note that:

  1. These emails are exclusively used to receive notifications of judicial processes carried out by a judge, a notifier or an official authorized by Colombian law.
  2. Judicial notifications have the objective of informing, in writing, the parties or third parties of the resolutions or orders of a judge through official letters, orders and sentences.
  3. No communications other than judicial ones are filed through these emails from the notification mailbox. For complaints, claims or other requests for the services of Comfenalco Valle Delagente, you must contact the customer service channels for the Filing of PQRSF Box and Contact us EPS.