and sports
Natación adultos

Natación adultos

Aprenderás a nadar y mejorar tus destrezas en el agua con el excelente nivel de nuestra academia. Deja tus habilidades en manos de grandes entrenadores para el desarrollo de un efectivo proceso.

Aplica en las ciudades de Palmira, Buga, Tuluá y Cartago.

Registration requirements

Before making the registration payment, please contact the Recreation Center and submit the documentation in order to validate the availability of places in the requested discipline.

This allows us to have a list of pre-registered in the programs since the minimum quota to start is 10 registered.

Venues, hours and values


CUR South Park

Adult Swimming – Two weekly classes


  • Wednesday and Thursday from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM.
  • Saturdays from 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM (According to availability)

Category A


Category B


Category C


Category D


Swimming – Three weekly classes

Category A


Category B


Category C


Category D


Aquamotricity Swimming – Saturdays

Category A


Category B


Category C


Category D


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this discipline