Agreements – Recreation
smart fit
By being a member of Comfenalco Valle Delagente you can enroll in Smart Fit to carry out your physical activity with an excellent cost-benefit ratio. According to your affiliation category (A, B or C) in Comfenalco Valle Delagente you can access this service in Cali, Palmira, Jamundí and Buenaventura.
sin Fronteras
Este convenio le permite a los afiliados de Comfenalco Valle Delagente acceder a servicios de 26 cajas de compensación familiar en toda Colombia. Disfruta con tarifas de afiliado de ingreso a centros recreacionales, hoteles, educación, deporte y turismo presentando su documento de identidad.
This agreement with the Comfandi Compensation Fund allows affiliates of both Funds to access recreation services by paying the rate corresponding to their affiliate category. Applies to box office and sports academies.
Parque del Azúcar
Descuento del 30% sobre la tarifa de ingreso. Para acceder al descuento identifícate como afiliado de Comfenalco Valle Delagente y presenta tu documento de identidad.
*Aplica términos y condiciones.
Descuento del 50% sobre el valor de la tarifa de ingreso. Identifícate como afiliado de Comfenalco Valle Delagente y presenta tu documento de identidad para acceder al descuento.
*Aplica términos y condiciones.
This agreement with the Comfandi Compensation Fund allows affiliates of both Funds to access recreation services by paying the rate corresponding to their affiliate category. Applies to box office and sports academies.
smart fit
By being a member of Comfenalco Valle Delagente you can enroll in Smart Fit to carry out your physical activity with an excellent cost-benefit ratio. According to your affiliation category (A, B or C) in Comfenalco Valle Delagente you can access this service in Cali, Palmira, Jamundí and Buenaventura.
sin Fronteras
Este convenio le permite a los afiliados de Comfenalco Valle Delagente acceder a servicios de 26 cajas de compensación familiar en toda Colombia. Disfruta con tarifas de afiliado de ingreso a centros recreacionales, hoteles, educación, deporte y turismo presentando su documento de identidad.
This agreement with the Comfandi Compensation Fund allows affiliates of both Funds to access recreation services by paying the rate corresponding to their affiliate category. Applies to box office and sports academies.
Recreational Parks - CRP
30% discount on admission to 18 Recreational Parks
Present your service card and identity document.