and sports


Taekwondo is a sport with excellent personal and social training. We invite your children to grow with the best. Enroll them in our academy and get them to develop their personality while strengthening their mind and body.

Aplica en las ciudades Cali, Buga y Tuluá.

Registration requirements

Before making the registration payment, please contact the Recreation Center and submit the documentation in order to validate the availability of places in the requested discipline.

This allows us to have a list of pre-registered in the programs since the minimum quota to start is 10 registered.

Venues, hours and values


CRD - Club Cañasgordas

Taekwondo – Two weekly classes


Hours subject to age and availability.

Category A


Category B


Category C


Category D


Taekwondo – Saturdays


Hours subject to age and availability.

Category A


Category B


Category C


Category D


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this discipline