Frequently asked questions about Employment Agency services

Frequently asked questions about Employment Agency services

What are the office hours of the employment agency and where are they located?

The Comfenalco Valle Delagente Employment Agency provides its services to employers and the unemployed through the virtual employability route. The Comfenalco Valle Delagente Employment Agency has coverage in the cities of Cali, Palmira, Buga, Tuluá, Cartago and Buenaventura.

Office hours in person at the Employment Agency:

Cali Headquarters: Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Regional Headquarters: Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Conoce el Subsidio al Desempleo

(Law 1636 of 2013 amended by Law 2225 of 2022-Regulated Decree 1493 of 2022)

➤  Encontrarse en condición de cesante o desempleado (no debe estar pensionado por invalidez, vejez o sobrevivencia).

➤  Si en su último vínculo laboral aportó como trabajador dependiente, debe haber realizado aportes a la Caja de Compensación Familiar durante un (1) año continuo o discontinuo, en el transcurso de los últimos tres (3) años. Para el caso de los trabajadores independientes, debe haber realizado aportes a la Caja de Compensación Familiar durante dos (2) años continuos o discontinuos, en el transcurso de los últimos tres (3) años.

➤  Que la última Caja de Compensación Familiar a la cual haya aportado sea Comfenalco Valle Delagente y haya cotizado como afiliado en categorías: A, B o C.
Not having been a beneficiary within the last 3 years of the subsidy payments of the Unemployment Protection Mechanism (Law 1626 and Decrees 488 and 770).

➤  Estar inscrito en cualquiera de los servicios de empleo autorizados pertenecientes a la red del servicio público de empleo, y realizar obligatoriamente la ruta de empleabilidad or in person.

➤  Asistir y certificarse obligatoriamente al programa de capacitación dispuesto por la Agencia de Empleo.
Nota: No podrán postularse los trabajadores cesantes que luego de terminar una relación laboral, mantengan otra vigente o hayan percibido beneficios del Fondo de Solidaridad de Fomento al Empleo y Protección al Cesante, durante seis (6) meses continuos o discontinuos en los últimos tres (3) años.

➤ Pago aportes al sistema de salud y pensión sobre la base de cotización de (1) SMMLV, por un periodo de seis meses (aplica para usuarios categoría A, B y C).

➤ Pago de transferencia económica por valor de $1.950.000, establecido para la vigencia del año 2024, divididos en cuatros (4) mensualidades pagados de forma decreciente así:

  • Cuota 1 (40%): $780.000.
  • Cuota 2 (30%): $585.000.
  • Cuota 3 (20%): $390.000.
  • Cuota 4 (10%): $195.000.

It is important to specify that this transfer applies only to users who, in their last employment relationship, have been category A and B contributors.

Nota: Los usuarios Categoría C a pesar de salir beneficiarios no recibirán el presente beneficio (Art.3 Numeral b ley 2225 de 2022).

➤ Copy of the legible identification document (both sides).

➤ Certificación de la cesación laboral expedida por el empleador, indicando the exact date of termination of employment, last remuneration of the worker and reason for retirement, must be duly signed, in case your letter does not detail these three (3) pieces of information, please fill out and attach to the application the affidavit that you can download here: SWORN STATEMENT.

➤ Certification of the last EPS valid for no more than 5 business days, evidencing that your current status is Retired, Subsidized, Labor Protection or Beneficiary.

➤ Certification of the Pension Fund to which you are affiliated, valid for no more than 30 days.

 ➤ Those who obtain a direct source of income or carry out a paid activity.

 ➤ Those who hold the status of popularly elected public servants.

 ➤ Those who have been beneficiaries of the Unemployment Protection Mechanism subsidies within the last 3 years.

 ➤ Those who are receiving an old age, disability or survivor pension.

 ➤ Those who do not attend the training scheduled by the Employment Agency.

 ➤ You must send us a letter indicating the reason for the suspension of unemployment insurance, this must be sent via email to for review and subsequent processing.

 ➤ You can also go to the nearest Employment Agency and fill out the benefit suspension form.

Conoce el Subsidio al Desempleo

(Law 1636 of 2013 amended by Law 2225 of 2022-Regulated Decree 1493 of 2022)

➤ Being unemployed or unemployed (you must not be pensioned for disability, old age or survival).

➤ If you contributed as a dependent worker in your last employment relationship, you must have made contributions to the Family Compensation Fund for one (1) continuous or discontinuous year, over the course of the last three (3) years. In the case of independent workers, you must have made contributions to the Family Compensation Fund for two (2) continuous or discontinuous years, in the course of the last three (3) years.

➤ That the last Compensation Fund to which you have contributed is Comfenalco Valle Delagente and you have listed as an affiliate in categories: A, B or C.

➤ Not having been a beneficiary within the last 3 years of the subsidy payments of the Unemployment Protection Mechanism (Law 1626 and Decrees 488 and 770).

➤ Be registered in any of the authorized employment services belonging to the public employment service network, and carry out the Employability Route or in person.

➤ Compulsory attendance and certification to the training program provided by the Employment Agency.

* Unemployed workers who, after terminating a labor relationship, maintain another current one or have received benefits from the Solidarity Fund for the Promotion of Employment and Protection of the Unemployed, for six (6) continuous or discontinuous months in the last three (3) months, may not apply. ) years.

➤ I pay contributions to the health and pension system based on the contribution of (1) SMMLV, for a period of six months (applies to category A, B and C users).

➤   Pago de transferencia económica por valor de 1.5 SMMLV ($1.740.000), establecido para la vigencia del año 2022, divididos en cuatros (4) mensualidades pagados de forma decreciente así:

◆ Quota 1 (40%): $696.000

◆ Fee 2 (30%): $522,000

◆ Fee 3 (20%): $348,000

◆ Quota 4 (10%): $174,000

It is important to specify that this transfer applies only to users who, in their last employment relationship, have been category A and B contributors.

*   Category C users, despite being beneficiaries, will not receive this benefit (Art.3 Numeral b law 2225 of 2022)

➤ Copy of the legible identification document (both sides).

➤ Certification of termination of employment issued by the employer, indicating the exact date of termination of employment, last remuneration of the worker and reason for retirement, must be duly signed, in case your letter does not detail these three (3) pieces of information, please fill out and attach to the application the affidavit that you can download here: SWORN STATEMENT.

➤ Certification of the last EPS valid for no more than 5 business days, evidencing that your current status is Retired, Subsidized, Labor Protection or Beneficiary.

➤ Certification of the Pension Fund to which you are affiliated, valid for no more than 30 days.

 ➤ Those who obtain a direct source of income or carry out a paid activity.

 ➤ Those who hold the status of popularly elected public servants.

 ➤ Those who have been beneficiaries of the Unemployment Protection Mechanism subsidies within the last 3 years.

 ➤ Those who are receiving an old age, disability or survivor pension.

 ➤ Those who do not attend the training scheduled by the Employment Agency.

 ➤ You must send us a letter indicating the reason for the suspension of unemployment insurance, this must be sent via email to for review and subsequent processing.

 ➤ You can also go to the nearest Employment Agency and fill out the benefit suspension form.

How long does it take to get a response to my application request?

According to what is established in the norm, in an approximate term of 15 working days, it will be informed if the benefit was approved or denied. If additional information and/or documentation is required, it will be requested.

What is the modality of payment of the subsidy?

 ➤ Economic Transfer Benefit: Payable in the current month, for 4 months.

 ➤ Contributions to Health and Pension: It is paid month in arrears, the first seven (7) business days of each month, once Comfenalco Valle has made the payment, the user will receive the contribution form to the email registered in the application.

To consider:

The authorized means for the payment of the economic transfer is the Daviplata application.

We relate the following link so that you can observe the step-by-step video for opening your account: Watch video

If at any time you have problems opening a Daviplata account, you must use any of the following channels:

 ➤ Send a text message from your cell phone to 85888

 ➤ Dial from your cell phone #688 

 ➤ Visit

 ➤ The reactivation of unemployment insurance will only apply to users who partially received the benefit and it was suspended.

 ➤ If the user was again unemployed, they can request the reactivation to the following email:, by means of a message in which you will attach your basic information (name, ID and telephone), likewise you must attach the letter of termination of employment (most recent), the area will proceed to validate the information and if you meet the requirements, you will be notified by email the status of your reactivation.

Note that:

If the reactivation is approved, only the remaining resources that apply will be disbursed, according to the defined period of the benefit.

 ➤ If the user belongs to any of the following health entities: Emsannar EPS, New EPS, Total Health EPS, Compensate EPS or SOS EPS, you should not carry out the affiliation process, since this is managed directly by the Compensation Fund.

 ➤ EPS Sura: The affiliation process in virtual 100%.

Step 1: Enter the link:

Step 2: Enter with your username, if you do not have one, make the password request

Step 3: Request your appointment or virtual shift; choose the day and time, according to the agreed date, an adviser from the EPS will contact you to enroll (have your citizenship card and the affiliation letter sent by the Compensation Fund at hand).

For greater clarity, take into account the EPS hotline: 3808941 and National Line: 01 8000 519 519.

Business management

➤ To access the services for employers offered by the Comfenalco Valle Delagente Employment Agency, the employer must enter the website employment agency, in the COMPANIES button, in which you will find the step by step to register as an entrepreneur.

➤ Once the data is entered in the form that you will find on the right side of your screen, your interest in our services will be registered. In a maximum period of 5 business days you will be contacted by one of our Business Managers.

➤ If you wish to contact one of our Business Managers directly, you can do so through the cell phone number: 311-7417702 or by email

To apply for vacancies through the Comfenalco Valle Delagente Employment Agency, the following must be done:

 ➤ Contact one of our Business Managers or through the cell phone number: 311-7417702 or by email

 ➤ Returning to this request, the company registration form will be sent via email, in case you are not registered in our system and the vacancy registration form, in which you as an entrepreneur will give us information about the need for a profile.

 ➤ Once this information is received, we will proceed to publish your need for personnel through the platform authorized by the Ministry of Labor.

 ➤ Finally, you will be sent an email informing you of the vacancy registration code and the psychology professional who will handle your request.

Job intermediation

To access the job offers available at the Comfenalco Valle Delagente Employment Agency, you must register for the virtual Employability Route, performing the following step by step:

 ➤ Enter to:

 ➤ Then click on the people option.

 ➤ Later click on the click option if I want to continue.

 ➤ Fill out the Initial Contact Form with our counselors, which is located on the right side of the screen.

 ➤ Once the registration has been made, you must click on the registration and registration option.

 ➤ There you must enter the click option to go to the employment service.

 ➤ If you already have a registration, you must enter your type of document and password, otherwise you must click on the button I want to create an account.

 ➤ Next, register mail and click on continue.

 ➤ Choose the type of document and enter it and click on continue again.

 ➤ Once you have entered the platform, you must fill in all the basic information requested and click on the create account button.

 ➤ Likewise, it is of the utmost importance, dear user, that 5 requested positions of interest be selected (positions that fit with the work experience performed), this with the aim of having a greater reach at the time of making their applications.

 ➤ Fill out: Educational Level / Work Experience / Informal Education / Languages and Skills.

 ➤ Your registration should be at 100%.

 ➤ Once this process is completed, your resume will be successfully registered and you will be able to start your application process for vacancies by entering the check vacancies option.

 ➤ To access the vacancies that the Comfenalco Valle Delagente Employment Agency has, you must enter the website , en el botón de VACANTES LABORALES, en el cual encontrarás las vacantes disponibles para nuestros usuarios.

 ➤ Subsequently, you must fill out the single application form (This must only be filled out 1 time), which will be found according to the sector of interest or the city where you reside or wish to work.

 ➤ Once this process has been completed, you will be contacted by the staff of the Employment Agency who will be in charge of guiding you throughout the referral process to the company that requires staff with your profile.

The contact times depend solely and exclusively on the applicant company, taking into account that the Employment Agency plays the role of intermediary between the Company and the job seeker.

It is also decisive for contact with the user the relevance of their profile compared to what is required by the company and its criteria for the selection of personnel.

The selection and hiring process is carried out by the applicant company, which is why it will be the company that will provide the applicant with the information corresponding to the continuity of the process.

The Comfenalco Valle Delagente Employment Agency is not the contracting company, taking into account that it acts as an intermediary between the companies requesting the profile and the job seekers.

You can send an email to , a través del cual se dará respuesta a sus inquietudes durante el proceso..

Servicio transnacional - Agencia de Empleo Comfenalco Valle Delagente

➤ To access the training it is essential to be currently unemployed.

➤ For dependents, they must have contributed 1 continuous or discontinuous year to a compensation fund in the last 3 years and for independent workers 2 continuous or discontinuous years in the last 3 years in any compensation fund.

➤ To register for Comfenalco Valle Delagente training, you must enter the website, en el cual encontrarás en detalle el portafolio de capacitaciones por regional.

➤ Once you identify the training of your choice, you must register your data in the form, in order to validate if it meets the legal requirements and later be contacted by our occupational counselors and be enrolled in the course.

➤ To register for Comfenalco Valle Delagente training, you must enter the website  /employment agency, in the training button, in which you will find in detail the training portfolio by region.

➤ Once you identify the training of your choice, you must register your data in the form, in order to validate if it meets the legal requirements and later be contacted by our occupational counselors and be enrolled in the course.

As a result of the health emergency caused by covid-19, as of March 2020, they are being dictated virtually.

All our trainings have a minimum duration of 40 hours, however, depending on the training program it can be more.

Each user can take 3 training in the year.

Yes, all our trainings are certified as long as you meet the minimum percentage of attendance, which is 80%.

➤ The platform to deliver the training is determined by the education institute and varies depending on the methodology of the training program 

➤ Said platform is socialized by call and email to the user.

➤ If you miss more than 20% of the classes you will not be able to certify yourself. 

➤ In the case of being a beneficiary of the unemployment subsidy of Law 1636 and you do not complete your training, said benefit will be suspended.

You can carry out the training through any electronic device with internet access, however, for systems training, it is mandatory to have a computer and internet.

Training improves your job profile and makes you more attractive to the job market; however, the responsibility for applying for vacancies is yours.

Yes, you can register through the Comfenalco Valle Delagente employability route in the employment training button and compliance with the aforementioned requirements will be validated.

To know the portfolio of training by region, you can enter the link

Normally the trainings are from Monday to Friday, but they can vary in days and times depending on their duration.

No, it is necessary to finish one training to start another and you must be certified.

Yes, as long as you meet the aforementioned requirements.

La agencia de empleo transnacional realiza los procesos de Gestión y colocación de empleo, como lo son orientación ocupacional, capacitación, intermediación laboral y gestión empresarial tanto para empresas ubicadas en el exterior que requiera mano de obra colombiana, como para las personas que estén en búsqueda de oportunidades laborales fuera del País

  • Registro: Es el registro de la hoja de vida del usuario en la pagina del servicio público de empleo
  • Orientación Ocupacional: Son las acciones para conocer del oferente o buscador de empleo los conocimientos, experiencias, habilidades y otras competencias, así como sus intereses ocupacionales, motivaciones y necesidades para analizar y construir el perfil laboral
  • Taller de inmersión Cultural: Este taller tendrá como propósito brindar información a las personas interesadas en migrar, todo lo referente a inmersión laboral y cultural al país de destino. En dicho taller se abordarán temas relacionados con la cultura del país, costumbres, comidas, moneda, clima, como se estructura la seguridad social, transporte, entre otros. 
  • Recepción de Vacantes: Atención a la solicitud de perfiles laborales por parte de las empresas en el exterior, asegurando la documentación requerida y legalidad de estos.
  • Preselección y remisión: Es la identificación de los usuarios que cumplen con los requisitos solicitados por las empresas a través de una entrevista enfocada en las expectativas y motivaciones del candidato, entregando información de primera mano sobre las condiciones de la vacante y poder así determinar si hay correlación entre las necesidades y expectativas del candidato frente a las condiciones laborales, culturales y sociales que la vacante le ofrece.
  • Seguimiento post contratación: Durante este proceso se validará periódicamente temas como adaptación al entorno, regularización laboral y demás

Cualquier persona que se encuentre interesado en la búsqueda de empleo en el exterior.

Actualmente nos encontramos realizando el contacto con las empresas para identificar la necesidad de vacantes, una vez se encuentren definidos serán inscritos en el portal de la unidad del servicio público de empleo (SISE) para que sean de consulta al público en general y se puedan auto postular.

Para este caso si la vacante se encuentra en la plataforma deberás auto postularte, y posteriormente asistir a las instalaciones de la Agencia de Empleo para que recibas un proceso de orientación ocupacional.

Se pedirán documentos tales como pasaporte, visas, títulos homologados, certificación de idiomas, entre otros.

Esto dependerá de las condiciones de cada vacante.

Nuestra Agencia de Empleo está abierta a atender las necesidades de cualquier país que solicite una vacante y que cumpla con las condiciones legales requeridas para ser gestionada.

Esto dependerá de las particularidades de cada vacante y de las condiciones que requiera el perfil que se solicite

No, este es un servicio completamente gratuito, no deberá generar costo alguno para quien haga uso de este.

Si, se encuentran disponibles cumpliendo con los requisitos establecidos por ley, (Encontrarse cesante y haber cotizado 1 año continuo o discontinuo a una caja de compensación en los últimos 3 años como dependiente o 2 años continuos o discontinuos en los últimos 3 años como independiente)

Esto dependerá de las características de cada vacante, sin embargo, se recomienda que apliquen personas mayores de edad

Una vez se generen vacantes transnacionales, estarán siendo difundidas a través de los diferentes canales con los que cuenta la agencia (Facebook, Instagram, página web y demás) debes estar pendiente