Elementary and Baccalaureate

For overage youth, adults and older adults by cycles (CLEI)

We are a private educational entity, approved by the Ministry of National Education, authorized by the Municipal Education Secretariats of Cali, Palmira, Buga, Cartago and Buenaventura where we have offices of the Comfenalco Valle Delagente Family Compensation Fund.

Basic and Secondary Education by Cycles (CLEI) for Overage Youth and Adults of the Comfenalco Valle Delagente Education Institute, has been provided to the affiliated population since January 23, 1997, with the purpose of meeting the needs and expectations of the population at an age relatively older than that accepted in education by grades, who for various reasons did not have access to the educational system, or dropped out, without completing it.

Our proposal is comprehensive, inclusive and contextualized, within the framework of the Family Subsidy, through a humanist pedagogical model that contributes to the formation of competent young people and adult citizens for life, work and coexistence, aware of their contribution in the construction of a country in peace and solidarity.

The Basic and Secondary Education Service by CLEI Cycles, includes academic work that articulates face-to-face and virtuality, with the support of virtual tools and learning guides, advised by graduates at the established times and days, in the EDUGENTE Institutional Platform and Virtual Classroom MOODLE, according to the instructions of the Ministry of Education and Social Protection, as well as the guidelines issued by the Mayor's Office and Secretary of Education of the District of Santiago de Cali, regarding biosafety protocols in closed spaces.

SATURDAY DAY – Exclusively for Adults
Jornada mañana sábados, clases: 7:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Jornada tarde sábados, clases: 1:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.

MORNING SESSION – Exclusive – Minors.

Clases: miércoles a viernes: 7:40 a.m-12:00 m.


• Estar afiliado a la Caja de Compensación Familiar Comfenalco Valle Categoría A y B.
• Fotocopia del documento de identidad (CC/TI). Nota: para ciudadanos extranjeros copia del documento de identidad al día, durante el proceso de matrícula el padre de familia o acudiente del estudiante deberá realizar con diligencia los trámites necesarios para regularizar el estatus migratorio del menor.
• Certificado de afiliación a EPS, o SISBEN (con una vigencia no mayor a 30 días)
• Retiro del SIMAT
• Una foto tamaño carné 3*4, marcada con nombre y ciclo de interés
Certificado del último año cursado y aprobado


• El Estudiante y acudiente (aspirante menor de edad) deberán entregar de manera física la totalidad documentación requerida.
• Realizar entrevista de admisión con el psicólogo.
• Efectuar el pago de acuerdo con la liquidación, dependiendo de la categoría a la cual pertenece.

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