Elementary and Baccalaureate
For overage youth, adults and older adults by cycles (CLEI)
We are a private educational entity, approved by the Ministry of National Education, authorized by the Municipal Education Secretariats of Cali, Palmira, Buga, Cartago and Buenaventura where we have offices of the Comfenalco Valle Delagente Family Compensation Fund.
- General information
Special Integrated CLEI
Basic and Secondary Education by Cycles (CLEI) for Overage Youth and Adults of the Comfenalco Valle Delagente Education Institute, has been provided to the affiliated population since January 23, 1997, with the purpose of meeting the needs and expectations of the population at an age relatively older than that accepted in education by grades, who for various reasons did not have access to the educational system, or dropped out, without completing it.
Our proposal is comprehensive, inclusive and contextualized, within the framework of the Family Subsidy, through a humanist pedagogical model that contributes to the formation of competent young people and adult citizens for life, work and coexistence, aware of their contribution in the construction of a country in peace and solidarity.
The Basic and Secondary Education Service by CLEI Cycles, includes academic work that articulates face-to-face and virtuality, with the support of virtual tools and learning guides, advised by graduates at the established times and days, in the EDUGENTE Institutional Platform and Virtual Classroom MOODLE, according to the instructions of the Ministry of Education and Social Protection, as well as the guidelines issued by the Mayor's Office and Secretary of Education of the District of Santiago de Cali, regarding biosafety protocols in closed spaces.
Train competent citizens for life and work, contributing to the improvement of their quality of life, through a comprehensive, inclusive and contextualized pedagogical proposal.
By 2029, the Comfenalco Valle Delagente Education Institute will be the leading institution at the local, regional level with national projection, in the provision of services in Basic and Secondary Education for Adults and over-age youth, contributing to solidarity, equitable and inclusive human development. of the affiliated population and general community.
- Basic Education (Primary, Secondary and Middle) subsidized 100%, exclusively for CATEGORIES A and B AFFILIATES.
- Student card and subsidized personal accident policy 100%.
- Institutional induction to parents and students on the methodology and management of the institutional platform and MOODLE virtual classroom, degree work for CLEI VI, commitment of semester 0, for students of 17 years 6 months, in order to obtain the title of Academic Bachelors.
- Academic work at home supported with learning guides and guided by licensed teachers on the EDUGENTE institutional platform and MOODLE virtual classroom.
- Virtual Training Guides, subsidized 100% for Category A and B affiliates.
- Feedback and advice from the teacher by cycles and/or individually.
- Training for basic, civic, and general labor competencies.
- Evaluation of cognitive, personal and social performances.
- Carrying out student wellness activities to promote physical and artistic activity of students and the family.
- Registration for the subsidized SABER 11th Tests 100%, for category A and B affiliates.
- Subsidized degree rights and graduation ceremony 100% for category A and B members
- Participation in the programming of cultural, artistic and entertainment events of the Delagente Agenda and in workshops on human development, physical education, recreation and sports.
- ZERO (0) Semester, additional, for affiliates aged 17 and a half years interested in completing CLEI VI (11th), in which Basic Competencies, General Labor, Life Project and Entrepreneurship will be strengthened to complement their academic training to obtain their degree of Academic Bachelor, reached the age of majority (only when you are 18 years old). (Article 23 Decree 3011 of 1997).
What are the CLEI Integrated Special Teaching Cycles?
The Integrated Special School Cycles are structured curricular units, equivalent to certain grades of regular formal education; constituted by objectives and pertinent contents, duly selected and integrated in a sequential manner for the consequence of the achievements established in the respective PEI.
What are the CLEI Integrated Special Teaching Cycles?
- Del Nivel de Básica Primaria, los ciclos (CLEI):
- CICLO I (1, 2,3°) – Para personas desde los 14 años de edad o más, QUE NO HAYAN CURSADO NINGÚN GRADO DE BÁSICA PRIMARIA, – duración 10 meses
- CICLO II (4, 5º) – Para personas desde los 15 años de edad o más, QUE HAYAN CURSADO LOS PRIMEROS 3 AÑOS DE BÁSICA PRIMARIA. – duración 10 meses
- Del Nivel de Básica Secundaria por ciclos lectivos especiales (CLEI):
- CICLO III (6°, 7º) – Para personas desde los 16 años de edad o más, que hayan cursado los primeros 5 grados de básica primaria – duración 10meses,
- CICLO IV (8°-9º) – Para personas desde los 17 años de edad o más, con certificado del grado anterior cursado y aprobado – duración 10 meses
- El Nivel de Educación Media por Ciclos lectivos especiales integrados (CLEI):
- CICLO V (10º) y VI (11º) – Para personas desde los 18 años o más con certificado del grado anterior cursado y aprobado.
Certificado que otorga: BACHILLER ACADÉMICO
- Dates and times
presencial para estudiantes nuevos
SATURDAY DAY – Exclusively for Adults
Jornada mañana sábados, clases: 7:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Jornada tarde sábados, clases: 1:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
MORNING SESSION – Exclusive – Minors.
Clases: miércoles a viernes: 7:40 a.m-12:00 m.
Start date: 16 de septiembre de 2024.
Finish date: 30 de enero de 2025.
Información y solicitud de citas para admisión y matriculas por los canales:
Teléfono celular colegio: 3206323461
Email: amdiaz@comfenalcovalle.com.co
Face-to-face attention: Calle 5 # 6-63, Torre C 1º Piso. Oficina de educación y cultura.
ATTENTION SCHEDULE: Lunes a viernes de 8:00 a.m – 12:00 m y 1:00 a 4:00 p.m.
Primer Período 2025A
Jornada Mañana – martes a viernes:
INICIO: 04 de febrero del 2025
FINALIZACIÓN: 27 de junio del 2025
HORARIO: 7:40 am a 12:00 m
Jornada Sabatina – mañana:
INICIO: 08 de febrero del 2025
FINALIZACIÓN: 28 de junio del 2025
HORARIO: 7:00 am a 12:30 pm
Jornada Sabatina – tarde:
INICIO: 08 de febrero del 2025
FINALIZACIÓN: 28 de junio del 2025
HORARIO: 1:30 pm a 7:00 pm
Segundo Período 2025B
Day morning: 22 de julio a 5 de diciembre de 2025
Saturday session: 26 de julio a 6 de diciembre de 2025
- Registration requirements and payment methods
new and old or refund
(According to established dates and times).
• Estar afiliado a la Caja de Compensación Familiar Comfenalco Valle Categoría A y B.
• Fotocopia del documento de identidad (CC/TI). Nota: para ciudadanos extranjeros copia del documento de identidad al día, durante el proceso de matrícula el padre de familia o acudiente del estudiante deberá realizar con diligencia los trámites necesarios para regularizar el estatus migratorio del menor.
• Certificado de afiliación a EPS, o SISBEN (con una vigencia no mayor a 30 días)
• Retiro del SIMAT
• Una foto tamaño carné 3*4, marcada con nombre y ciclo de interés
Certificado del último año cursado y aprobado
• El Estudiante y acudiente (aspirante menor de edad) deberán entregar de manera física la totalidad documentación requerida.
• Realizar entrevista de admisión con el psicólogo.
• Efectuar el pago de acuerdo con la liquidación, dependiendo de la categoría a la cual pertenece.
The user can choose the payment method:
1. In person: Payment is made directly at the Cashier of the CIS office - Integral Service Center in Cali or regional, depending on the affiliate's location. Carry the payment reference (receipt) printed.
2. PSE payment through the platform, the payment receipt is sent to the email, the user must click on the link provided and continue the process according to their means of payment (debit card or credit card) and Payments/Transfer or consignment in Banco de Bogotá.
Note: After making the payment, the student will receive confirmation of enrollment in the requested cycle by email.