and sports


Program objectives

  • Contribute to the development of psychophysical capacities, through the regular practice of the exercise, through the advice and accompaniment of highly qualified teachers.
  • Reduce through exercise, work absenteeism generated by musculoskeletal injuries and related to the internal functioning of the body.
  • Contribute to the improvement of the psychophysical well-being of employees, through the accompaniment of a pedagogical process, to strengthen learning and development of physical and coordinative qualities.

Conoce nuestros beneficios:

A continuación, puede ver nuestra propuesta empresarial de servicios recreativos, entretenimiento, eventos y más para los trabajadores de su organización:

Olimpiadas Delagente

Banner Olimpiadas Delagente | Empresarial

Nuestras empresas afiliadas cuentan con torneos deportivos que aportan al desarrollo humano de sus trabajadores a través de espacios de esparcimiento y entretenimiento para mujeres y hombres en disciplinas como fútbol, fútbol 8, fútbol sala, voleibol, bolo, sapo mixto y tenis de mesa.

Los invitamos a participar de los torneos 2024 en sus diferentes disciplinas.


1. Diligenciar completamente con letra legible y sin enmendaduras la planilla de inscripción Torneos deportivos expedida por Comfenalco Valle Delagente (físico y magnético).

2. Certificado de afiliación a EPS de cada jugador y participante inscrito (físico y magnético).

3. Foto reciente a color tipo documento formato JPG para subir en el aplicativo Deportes Delagente de cada jugador y participante inscrito (medio magnético).

4. Copia o escáner de la cédula de ciudadanía PDF para subir en el aplicativo Deportes Delagente de cada jugador y participante inscrito (medio magnético).

Para más información
sobre este evento deportivo empresarial

Acercate o llama a nuestros Centros Recreacionales
Línea de atención: (602) 8862727 Opción 2 y 2.

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Tired of the routine?

Enjoy a sunny day with your family or coworkers at one of our recreational centers in Comfenalco Valle, and share an unforgettable moment with those you love most.


Available dates: Applies from Wednesday to Friday for the months of February to June 15, 2022

  • These recreational days are aimed at affiliated companies that have been financially affected by the situation due to the pandemic and that due to budget issues have not carried out and wish to carry out a recreational activity in person. The definition of the program must be agreed in advance with the coordination of entertainment and tourism.
  • There are permitted capacity in all areas such as the swimming pool, restaurant, dining room and play areas.
  • Maximum groups of 100 people for recreational days, all activities take place in open spaces.
  • Apply conditions and restrictions according to the regulations established by the National and Local Government against COVID-19.
  • Applies in Cali Yanaconas, Cañasgordas, Palmira CUR Parque Sur, Buga Club Guadalajara, Cartago Hotel and CR Villasol and Buenaventura CR Comfamar.

benefits in sport

face-to-face classes

Face-to-face classes can be provided with specialized sports teachers. However, if the company requires a special class, we can adapt to the specific need.

Biosecurity Conditions

  • Capacity of 20 – 25 people per class
  • 1 meter distance radiates
  • Preferably open and well ventilated spaces

Target audiences: Adults of any age.

Date: is defined with the company.

Modality: Onsite.

The main classes are the following:

cardiovascular risks

Cardiovascular risk factors are those associated with a greater probability of suffering cardiovascular disease: cholesterol, diabetes, hypertension, smoking, genetic inheritance, stress, obesity and heart rate.

Inactive people have a higher risk of heart attack than people who exercise regularly. Exercise burns calories, helps control cholesterol levels, diabetes, and lowers blood pressure.

Exercise also strengthens the heart muscle and makes the arteries more flexible. People who actively burn between 500 and 3,000 calories per week have a longer life expectancy than sedentary people.