
New methods of payment for the monetary family subsidy

La Caja de Compensación Familiar Comfenalco Valle Delagente invita a los colaboradores de Mayagüez S.A. a conocer las modalidades de pago del subsidio familiar monetario para sus afiliados: Kupi y Billetera Delagente App Cobre. Estas alternativas digitales traen entre otros seguridad, disponibilidad y agilidad en el manejo de la cuota monetaria del subsidio.

What are the advantages of these means of payment?

For you to make the change before February 28, we make any of these means of payment available to you and you can continue receiving the family subsidy fee.

As of March 1, we will make the migration directly to the Kupi payment method, for those who have not made the change, taking into account that the payment of the monetary family subsidy and/or school kit will not be made again through the payroll .

We remain attentive to resolve doubts and concerns in these direct channels:

Commercial and service manager: William Alexis Guerrero González
Cell phone: 3206836189


Registration and Contributions.
Family Compensation Fund Comfenalco Valle Delagente.