Peace Managers - International Organization for Migration - IOM

Peace Managers - International Organization for Migration - IOM

Project value $ 350,805,000
gestores de paz

Contribution to Comprehensive Care and the Strengthening of Productive Units of 150 displaced families in the urban and rural areas of Buenaventura in Valle del Cauca.

Co-financing contract MPD006 entered into between the Colombian Foreign Trade Trustee SA - Fiducoldex -, acting on behalf of the Nation, Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism, Family Compensation Fund of Valle del Cauca Comfenalco Valle delagente.

Contribution in comprehensive care and in the strengthening of productive units of 150 displaced families in the urban and rural area of Buenaventura in Valle del Cauca, aimed at technological development, development and promotion of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises.

150 families in a situation of forced displacement, victims of violence, a population with a high degree of vulnerability and extreme poverty in the urban and rural areas of Buenaventura, in Valle del Cauca.


From April 7, 2011 to October 19, 2012.

The project allowed the development of skills and resources to strengthen the existing business units, so that the person can improve the income for the economic support of their families; through carrying out a comprehensive training process in which the basic business and psychosocial needs of the beneficiary and his family group are met.