Cali Council honored Comfenalco Valle Delagente

Cali Council honored Comfenalco Valle Delagente and its General Director, in their 65 years of work for the community.

In an event held on November 9, the Cali Council awarded the Santiago de Cali Medal in Cruz de Oro degree, to the Comfenalco Valle Delagente Family Compensation Fund, in its 65 years of existence. In the same ceremony, an exaltation of honor was presented to its general director, Felice Grimoldi Rebolledo.

The acts were chaired by the Board of Directors of the Council, which includes Fabio Alonso Arroyave Botero, Henry Peláez Cifuentes and Harvy Mosquera.

The award delivered by Resolution 524 of 2022, to the Comfenalco Valle Delagente Compensation Fund, is a public recognition of the entity for its trajectory, social and service work, as stated in the administrative act issued by the council: "First article: Grant the Santiago de Cali Medal in the Gold Cross Degree, to the Comfenalco Valle Delagente Family Compensation Fund, to the celebrate 65 years of existence, demonstrating the capacity and management of the Family Subsidy System, in addition to the offer of business, medical, recreational, educational and cultural services, which makes them stand out as one of the most recognized Compensation Funds at a regional and national level”.

Recognition to the Director General

Similarly, Resolution 525 of 2022 grants public recognition to the general director of Caja Felice Grimoldi Rebolledo, for the contribution that, since his management, he has made for the development of the city and the region, during the 36 years that he has made part of the entity.

In it administrative act It was highlighted that the work of the manager has helped to generate progress and social development in favor of the affiliates, by offering various protection services to the affiliate's family, in addition to generating organizational quality for the personnel that make up the administrative team. Regarding this exaltation, the manager indicated that “this recognition is for them, for the great Comfenalco Valle Delagente family. Here I insist on one point, the purpose of life is to serve, it is to be useful and not try to be important; it is to serve, because with it we build our lives and our destiny”.

Comfenalco Valle DelagenteFamily Compensation Fund

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